Doppler Effect Ultrasonic Flow Meter


Smart Measurement’s Alsonic DDPL Doppler flowmeters employ a pair of clamp-on transducers for non-invasive liquid measurement of solids-bearing or aerated liquids in metal or plastic pipes. Proprietary circuitry allows it to operate with lower concentrations of suspended solids versus competitive Doppler flow meters in the market. Clamp-on transducers allow the instrument to be installed without

shutting down the process flow.

Clamp-on transducers allow the instrument to be installed without shutting down the process flow. Two piezoelectric crystal transducers are clamped onto opposite sides of a liquid filled pipe. One transmits an ultrasonic signal through the pipe wall into the moving fluid while the other measures a portion of this signal reflected back by suspended solids,
entrained gases or flow turbulence.


Electronic circuitry compares the transmitted frequency with the received frequency. The difference, or frequency shift, is proportional to fluid velocity, in accordance with principles developed by Christian Johann Doppler. If the liquid is not moving (a zero flow condition) the transmitted and received frequencies are identical.

Request a quote on an Alsonic DDPL Doppler ultrasonic flow meter for your application. Contact SmartMeasurement to learn more.

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Installation Methods

Primary Application

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Installation Methods

Primary Application

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Installation Methods

Primary Application

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